Coronavirus Small Business Resource
I wanted to create a resource where small business owners can find information in both English & Spanish to help guide them through important decisions for their business during this time. All of the information below is available to anyone. Struggling small businesses should not have to pay to obtain this information or pay anyone to help them apply for any of this.
Quise crear un recurso en donde dueños de negocios pequeños puedan encontrar mas información en ingles y en español para guiarlos con las decisiones importantes que tienen que tomar durante este tiempo para su negocio. Toda esta información esta disponible a cuál quiera persona. Dueños que están luchando para mantener su negocio abierto no tienen porque pagar para obtener la información y tampoco pagarle a nadie para llenar estas solicitudes.
“And for the more vulnerable non-english speaking communities we need to make more resources available”
Below you’ll find/ Aquí encontrara:
1. How to apply for CA Pandemic Unemployment if you are a business owner or self-employed/ Como presentar su solicitud de Desempleo por la Pandemia si es dueño de un negocio o contratista independiente en CA
2. Links to freelance & small business relief funds/ Aplicaciones para ayuda de negocios pequeños
3. Small business loan Application ( PPP, EIDL)/ Solicitud de préstamos para negocios pequeños
How to apply for CA Pandemic Unemployment if you are a business owner or self-employed/ Como presentar su solicitud de Desempleo por la Pandemia si es dueño de un negocio o contratista independiente en CA
“If you are a business owner, independent contractor, self-employed worker, freelancer, or gig worker and only received a 1099 tax form last year, you are most likely eligible for PUA.”
“Sí es dueño de un negocio, contratista independiente, persona que trabaja por cuenta propia, trabajador independiente o trabajador de la economía colaborativa y sólo recibió el Formulario 1099 el año pasado, probablemente sea elegible para PUA.”
What you need to have on hand to fill out this form/ Lo que ocupa tener en mano para llenar esta aplicación:
SSN (Numero de seguro social)
Drivers License Number (Numero de Licencia)
If not a US Citizen, proof that you are allowed to work in the US (Prueba de Ciudadanía)
Gross Earnings from last years taxes (Sueldo total que gano y reporto en sus impuestos de el ano pasado)
This link will guide you on how to answer specific questions in the application.
Esto lo guiara en como responder preguntas especificas en la aplicación.
Before you fill out the application you have to register & create an account first. Make sure you use an email that you have access to because you will receive email notifications.
Start HERE
Antes de que llene la aplicación necesita registrase y crear una cuenta. Use un correo electrónico que usted tenga acceso porque le van a mandar notificaciones.
Empiece AQUI
2. Links to freelance & small business relief funds/ Aplicaciones para ayuda de negocios pequeños
Below are a few links to Small business relief funds that could help your business.
Abajo ay enlaces para ayuda de a negocios pequeños que le pueden ayudar a su negocio.
GO FUND ME + INTUIT QUICKBOOKS Small Business Relief Initiative
LISC Verizon Small Business Recovery Fund
LISC Verizon fondo de recuperación Negocios Pequeños en español
3. Small Business loan Application ( LA Small Business Microloan & PPP)/ Solicitud de préstamos para negocios pequeños
Los Angeles City Small Business Emergency Microloan Program
Programa de microcréditos de emergencia para pequeñas empresas de la ciudad de Los Ángeles
This loan has limits between $5,000-$20,000. It also has 3 options for interest repayment with terms between 18 months and up to 5 years. Eligible Businesses should be located in a commercial–use building within Los Angeles city boundaries. HERE you can determine if your business is within the zone.
Este préstamo tiene limite de $5,000-$20,000. También tiene 3 opciones de tasas de intereses con términos de 18meses asta 5 anos. Negocios elegibles deben ubicarse en un edificio de uso comercial dentro de los límites de Los Angeles. AQUI puede determinar si su negocio esta adentro de la zona.
SBA Paycheck Protection Program Loan Information/ SBA Programa de Protección de Pago
HERE you’ll find the requirements to verify you’re eligibility for this loan
AQUI encontrara los requisitos para saber si usted puede aplicar para este préstamo
An important thing to keep in mind when applying for this loan is that it is only forgivable if you keep all of your employers on payroll along with other guidelines. “Forgiveness will be reduced if full-time headcount declines, or if salaries and wages decrease.”
Tome en cuenta que este préstamo es perdonable si los fondos se usan para mantener y pagarle a sus empleados y también ay otras pautas. Entre mas empleados que usted descanse, o si usted le baja el salario a sus empleados mas le van a bajar los fondos disponibles para ayudar a su negocio. Las solicitudes deben presentarse en inglés.
The past couple of months I’ve helped different business owners file for Pandemic Unemployment, & translated Small business relief loans + documents. Most small business owners who a struggling to keep their business open during this time are either misinformed about what resources are available to them or not approved for loans that larger corporations & businesses are being granted. We need to keep our community informed. And for the more vulnerable non-English speaking communities we need to make more resources available, especially on the Small Business Administration Website. This would help avoid business owners getting scammed & make educated decisions based on their business and financial needs. We need to take care of our local business owners & support them during this time. You can help by shopping locally & sharing this resource with anyone who needs it.
I hope the information is helpful and if anyone needs further help please reach out to me through the contact form on the website. I will be helping Spanish-speaking small business owners with any documents or applications they need translated at no cost & I will be updating this resource as I find more helpful links.